Learning to draw

After many years as a professional photographer I began to grow frustrated with the limitations of the camera to express certain ideas. I was discussing this with an artist friend of mine towards the end of 2019. His response was to tell me it was no problem and that he would teach me to paint. To which I replied, I can’t even draw. He said, just get the basics and that’s all you need. So I went and started a short online drawing course.  

The first exercise of the course was to select an object from around your house, set a timer and spend 5-10 minutes sketching it. The teacup above that looks like it was drawn by a 2 year old was my first attempt at putting pencil to paper.

Since then I made a habit of drawing something, anything, every day. The drawing of a strawberry below is one that I completed 12 months after the teacup. Let’s just say that my creative trajectory has been altered…